Imminent changes at Stockton Plateau

The Scheme will provide water management infrastructure for historic, current and future mining within the Buller Coal field, which extends from Stockton Plateau south to Denniston Plateau. Mine water from throughout the coal field can be diverted to the Scheme’s reservoirs, protecting both the Ngākawau and Waimangaroa rivers.

Staging of the development of the Scheme will be influenced, but not determined, by plans for current and future coal mining. Future mining prospects are described in Bathurst Resources 2019 Investor Presentation. The Buller Plateaux Continuation Project has been listed in Schedule 2 of the Fast Track Approvals Bill. Approval of the the Continuation Project would extend current coal mining licences for Stockton Mine, due to expire in March 2027.

Construction and operation of the Scheme, mine rehabilitation, and other associated downstream industries will provide employment for the mining workforce which may become redundant as coal within the existing licence is exhausted prior to the realisation of future prospects. Integrating Scheme construction with rehabilitation works will help manage increased silt and acid loads, the adverse short-term effects of rehabilitation.

Imminent changes at Stockton Plateau provide opportunity for developers and stakeholders engaged with the changes. The design and consents for the Scheme anticipate staged development to accommodate change, optimise the construction process and minimise risk to investors and the environment.

Google Earth's 2023 imagery shows the current extent of mining on the plateau.